
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Regency Harbor Day - historical ships & fun!

Our friends Judy & Kat hosted a Regency Harbor Day in Baltimore on Saturday, including a trip to historical Naval ship U.S.S. Constellation (at the Baltimore Inner Harbor), and then dinner at The Belvidere's historical 'Owl Bar,' which was really neat looking decor, very eclectic and cool: and the food was yum!

I loved that my honey joins in, even when he needs a break from the costuming: he was dressed for Inner Harbor but wanted a break in the evening, and he still looks so handsome in his jeans!
My HB & I
The ship was just really enjoyable. I toured it long, long ago in my growing up years but it was like seeing it new again. We sat on benches in the captain's cabin, and planned a candlelit Regency dinner there at the table for 10! Too bad that's never going to happen, lol.
U.S.S. Constellation in Baltimore
Inside the Captain's cabin

U.S.S. Constellation - The tall ship touring group
Judy & Kat
My HB ringing the ship's bell!
At one point they shot the cannon, which was awesome, and then my HB had a good time ringing the ship's bell.

I also 'won' a few costuming awards from Kat, including the very special 'Marabou' award, which I was super excited about :)...I also won an "Elegance" award (not pictured).
Costuming awards
Austenland modern technology award
Later that evening, we met with some more friends at the 'Owl Bar', for delicious food and good company. I was so excited to sew and wear my new Regency pelerine for the evening, and it was so warm and fun to wear!
Marabou fun - photo by Kat
Gloria & I - photo courtesy of Gloria
Group shot at the Belvidere
Group shenanigans at The Belvidere
All my photos can be found here.

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