
Sunday, January 6, 2019

SEW HONEST SUNDAY - 2019 Instagram weekly challenge

We're so excited to announce a new weekly Instagram challenge for 2019!

TheLadyDetalle and A Frivolous Distinction and have partnered together for the "SEW HONEST SUNDAY" Instagram weekly challenge!

SEW HONEST SUNDAY is all about the real deal, that Historical Costuming = FUN!

It's about the background process of what we sew and create, it's posting the reality behind perfection, the ups and the downs. It's all about staring a wider discussion and expressing honesty to ourselves and to the community, about HOW we sew and HOW we costume and do the things we do, allowing us to connect more as a community, inspire each other and welcome others to join in the fun community with us!

Sunday is often a day when many of us sew, so it's a great time to snap a quick photo of your in-progress sewing, both the things that went right and the things that didn't go so right, your process, sewing space, or post a finished costume or event picture and tell a story about how you got there.

Sew Honest Sunday: Post your in-progress photos, what patterns you use, the mockups you make or don't make, the shortcuts, the fixes, the safety pins, zippers, velcro, false foundations, the mistakes, or the ups and downs. Share your process, your creativity, your sewing space, your hacks, your shenanigans, the yard sale or thrift shop fabric or supplies, accessories you use for multiple eras, share those not perfect photos, as well as the good ones! How you build your hairstyles or the layers of your ensembles. However you share your sewing honestly, this is a wide open tag and challenge so what you share is up to you and it's open to everyone who wants to join in.

Let's together post about what we do to have fun in this hobby, let's have courage ourselves and give courage to others to join us. Let's have FUN being honest together, Sew Honest Sunday!

If you'd like to join in, simply post and share something that falls in the challenge on a Sunday and use the #sewhonestsunday tag. It's that simple!

You can post multiple times on Sunday or once every Sunday or just join in once in awhile when you can or feel so inspired!

Hosted by @theladydetalle and @afrivolousdistinction

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