Sunday, February 10, 2019

YOU DO YOU - Follow Up for 2019

This is my historical costuming resolution for 2019 and beyond: YOU DO YOU.
YOU DO YOU Historical Costuming Resolution
It's been over a year since my first historical costuming resolution of YOU DO YOU. I decided to make this follow-up post as part of my #sewhonestsunday post this week. I'm happy to say that my resolution to focus on finding JOY in historical costuming has been successful. I'm having FUN at events, FUN sewing, FUN designing & creating historic jewelry, FUN with my hobby and FUN with my business! Now this doesn't mean that it's not hard work or that I don't encounter set-backs, we all experience those, but my resolution to focus on surrounding myself with others who believe in YOU DO YOU has been a success! I have met new friends, hung out with old friends too, said goodbye to some and hello to others. I'm doing what makes me happy and I'm loving it! And it's all been totally worth it.

I believe I've seen positive change in our community, as I have seen others stand up or continue to stand up for themselves and others, and nip bad behavior in the bud, and encourage new folks to take part in historic costuming, costuming, cosplay and re-enacting on their own terms and to have fun with it. And others who have blogged about acceptable and unacceptable behaviors - I'm so glad to know you! Unfortunately I have also seen negative behaviors and excuses: if you are reading this and feel like this is directed at you (it's not), maybe it is time for some self introspection? That's your thing. This follow-up to my You Do You resolution is about my continued resolution and sharing this encouragement with others.

YOU DO YOU is my focus and a resolution on FUN, encouragement and positivity. That I will stand up for myself and others, and this includes making choices with how I spend my resources: my time, my money and my energy. That I believe in honesty, honesty that is gentled with kindness and openness to change and understanding others perspectives. I value different opinions and perspectives, and respect those who base their opinions on honesty, logic and empathy towards others. Personally I choose to support being part of a community that is centered on positivity, encouragement and FUN. My time, energy, and money is focused there. I support costumers and businesses that I see being kind, positive and respectful: respect is key, in public and in private. Respect others or lose others respect.

It's time to make my goals clear, to be really open and honest about what I want and what I don't want, here on this #sewhonestsunday in February 2019. I want to have fun. I want to hang out with friends who want to have fun. I want to continue to learn about history. I want to continue to challenge myself to learn new things and take on new skills. I want to support others pursuing the same goals. I want to encourage others and be encouraged. And I want to achieve my goals, in costuming, in business, in life. FUN is defined as laughing, talking, sharing, enjoying and experiencing history and historical costuming together. It's about encouraging others to join in, at whatever level, whatever budget, using whatever material and in whatever way they can. It's about sewing things together. Experiencing things together. Cheering each other on. Being happy about each others successes. Respecting each other's choices. That is what my goal is about and what I'm about.

Fun is NOT: snarking, jealousy, lacking empathy, creating needless drama, making excuses, being hypocritical or manipulative. These are the bad human behaviors that we should be avoiding. We find nice things to say or we say nothing at all. It's ok to remove yourself from a situation because it's not you. It's ok to make choices and set your own priorities, and determine how you want to spend YOUR time, energy and money. We all have different goals, and that's ok! Different goals mean different priorities. Again, my journey is focused on fun, learning skills and taking on new challenges, and having fun with others who have the same goals: I hope many of you are on the same path with the same priorities and we'll journey along together!

I am continually striving for creativity and success and I'm cheering you on for creativity and success too! I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who believes in "You Do You", who supports kindness and fun and newcomers: you are amazing and you deserve joy and happiness and success! I'm here rooting for you! And also a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has or plans to join in with #sewhonestsunday - let's share honestly in kindness and with respect about our process, tips and tricks, challenges and how we overcome them to create our finished outfits, a community in pursuit of FUN!

I said this in my first resolution and it rings just as true today. Personally I'm done rewarding or ignoring bad behavior. I'm resolved to (continue to) take back my enjoyment in this hobby. I hope you join me. Historical Costuming = FUN = YOU DO YOU.

TheLady Detalle